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"What the Surge in LGBTQ Self-Identity Means." Public Discourse, June 25, 2023


"Stigmarketing: How Empathetic Advocates Capitalize on Bad News about LGBTQ+." Public Discourse, April 11, 2023


"Seven Days with Cardinal Pell.Public Discourse, January 22, 2023


"Census Fidei? Methodological Missteps are Undermining the Catholic Church’s Synod on
Public Discourse, January 8, 2023


"Sex is Still Cheap, Marriage is Still Declining: A Response to Wolfinger and Perry. Institute for Family Studies Blog, October 25, 2022


[Book Review] "Eros and Civilization." Claremont Review of Books, Summer 2022


"Will the Fog of War Smuggle Same-Sex Marriage into Ukraine?.Public Discourse, July 18, 2022


"War Highlights Sex Differences and Family Ties.Public Discourse, March 2, 2022


"Declining Homosexuality in the American Priesthood.Public Discourse, October 31, 2021


"When Marriage Becomes a Private Matter.Public Discourse, June 17, 2021


"Arkansas and the Politics of Experimenting on Children.Public Discourse, April 11, 2021


"Christianity’s Global Marriage Problem.Public Discourse, September 15, 2020


"Vanishing Vows: Can the Church Save What's Left of Marriage?" Christianity Today, June 22, 2020.


Home Life Matters.The American Mind, June 9, 2020


"Weak Data, Small Samples, and Politicized Conclusions on LGBT Discrimination" Public Discourse, January 12, 2020


"New Data Show “Gender-Affirming” Surgery Doesn’t Really Improve Mental Health. So Why Are the Study’s Authors Saying It Does?" Public Discourse, November 13, 2019


Does ‘Conversion Therapy’ Hurt People Who Identify as Transgender? Public Discourse, September 18, 2019


Graduate Students: Don’t Wait for Tenure to Enjoy Your Life.Public Discourse, August 29, 2019


How the Rise in Unreligious Americans affects Sex and Marriage: Comparative Evidence from New Survey Data. Public Discourse, August 19, 2019


[Book review] Waging a Smarter War on Porn, Christianity Today, May 17, 2019.


Queering Science. First Things, December 2018.


The Future of American Sexuality and Family: Five Key Trends.Public Discourse, October 17, 2018


Scientists Have Unwittingly Revealed that the Obergefell Decision Did Nothing to Diminish Sexual Minority Distress. Public Discourse, June 19, 2018


[Book Review] "The Law Should Protect Children, Not Sexual Expressionism" The Federalist. April 6, 2018.


"Polyamory: Complicated New Identity or Primarily about Sex?" Public Discourse. March 27, 2018


"Dear Media: Men Aren’t Going To Take The Pill, Because It Would Effectively Castrate Them" The Federalist. March 27, 2018


"The Death of Eros.First Things, October 2017.


Cheap Sex Is the ‘Inconvenient Truth’ that Explains the Retreat from Marriage.” Institute for Family Studies, November 2, 2017.


"Cheap Sex and the Decline of Marriage.Wall Street Journal, September 30, 2017.


"No Long-Term Harm? The New Scientific Silence on Child-Adult Sex and the Age of Consent.Public Discourse, September 18, 2017.


"Christians are part of the same dating pool as everyone else. That’s bad for the church.Washington Post, September 5, 2017.


"Can Same-Sex Marriage Really Reduce Teen Suicide?Public Discourse, February 24, 2017.


"Hijacking science: how the 'No Differences' consensus about same-sex families works.Public Discourse, October 14, 2016.


"The Data on Children in Same-Sex Households Get More Depressing.Public Discourse, July 29, 2016.


"Media Gush over over New Study, Only to Find Same-Sex Parents More Irritated with Their Children." Public Discourse, April 15, 2016.


The New Family Structures Study and the Challenges of Social Science." The Family in America, Spring 2016.


"What the Pill has Wrought." National Review, September 18, 2015.


"Was a Gay-Marriage Paper Fabricated?National Review, May 22, 2015.


"Making Differences Disappear: The Evolution of Science on Same-Sex Households." Public Discourse, May 12, 2015.


"Minecraft over Marriage." First Things, March 31, 2015.


"New Research on Same-Sex Households Reveals Kids Do Best With Mom and Dad." Public Discourse, February 20, 2015.


"The Mission Creep of Dignity." Public Discourse, January 12, 2015.


"The Good Enough Marriage." First Things, December 4, 2014.


"The Pornographic Double-Bind.First Things, November 11, 2014.


"Diversity as Slogan and Reality." First Things, October 9, 2014.


"Naked Consent: Why Personal Speech Codes Won’t Curb a Social Problem Like Sexual Assault." Public Discourse, September 28, 2014.


"Tracking Christian Sexual Morality in a Same-Sex Marriage Future." Public Discourse, August 11, 2014.


"A Russian Lawmaker Is Misusing My Gay Parenting Study.The Atlantic, September 16, 2013.


"Assessing the Australian Study." National Review, June 26, 2013.


"'Right Side of History,' or Primed to Say Yes?" National Review, March 21, 2013.


"Sex is Cheap." Slate, February 25, 2011.


"The Case for Early Marriage." Christianity Today, July 31, 2009.


"Freedom to Marry Young." Washington Post, April 6, 2009.

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